Users Guide

434 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Setting bottleneck detection alerts
For this time window, 50 percent of the seconds (6 out of 12 seconds) are affected by congestion.
This is below the threshold of 80 percent, so an alert would not be generated for a congestion
For the same time window, 25 percent of the seconds (3 out of 12 seconds) are affected by
latency. This exceeds the threshold of 10 percent, so an alert would be generated for a latency
Setting both a congestion alert and a latency alert
Entering the bottleneckmon --enable -alert command enables both alerts using the default alert
This example enables both alerts and shows their values.
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Yes
Latency threshold for alert - 0.100
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800
Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds
Setting a congestion alert only
Entering the bottleneckmon --enable -alert=congestion command enables a congestion alert. This
example enables a congestion alert and shows its values.
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --enable -alert=congestion
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide sub-second latency bottleneck criterion:
Time threshold - 0.800
Severity threshold - 50.000
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Congestion only
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800
Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds