Users Guide

Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 555
End-to-end performance monitoring
End-to-end performance monitoring looks at traffic on SID and DID pairs in any direction. That is,
even if the SID is for a remote device, the traffic is monitored in both directions (the Tx and Rx
counters are reversed).
Example of monitoring the traffic from Host A to Dev B
On Domain 1, add a monitor to the F_Port, as follows:
switch:admin> perfaddeemonitor 2/2 "0x011200" "0x021e00"
This monitor (Monitor 1) counts the frames that have an SID of 0x011200 and a DID of 0x021e00.
For Monitor 1, RX_COUNT is the number of words from Host A to Dev B, and TX_COUNT is the
number of words from Dev B to Host A.
Example of monitoring the traffic from Dev B to Host A
On Domain 2, add a monitor to the F_Port as follows:
switch:admin> perfaddeemonitor 2/14 "0x021e00" "0x011200"
This monitor (Monitor 4) counts the frames that have an SID of 0x021e00 and a DID of 0x011200.
For Monitor 4, RX_COUNT is the number of words from Dev B to Host A, and TX_COUNT is the
number of words from Host A to Dev B.
The E_Port monitors are configured similar to the F_Port monitors, but the ingress and egress
directions are reversed.
For Monitor 2:
switch:admin> perfaddeemonitor 2/3 "0x021e00" "0x011200"
For Monitor 3:
switch:admin> perfaddeemonitor 2/13 "0x011200" "0x021e00"
Setting a mask for an EE monitor
End-to-end monitors count the number of words in Fibre Channel frames that match a specific SID
and DID pair. If you want to match only part of the SID or DID, you can set a mask on the port to
compare only certain parts of the SID or DID. By default, the frame must match the entire SID and
DID to trigger the monitor. By setting a mask, you can choose to have the frame match only one or
two of the three fields (domain ID, area ID, and AL_PA) to trigger the monitor.
You specify the masks in the form dd:aa:pp, where dd is the domain ID mask, aa is the area ID
mask, and pp is the AL_PA mask. The values for dd, aa, and pp are either ff (the field must match)
or 00 (the field is ignored). The default EE mask value is ff:ff:ff.
Only one mask per port can be set. When you set a mask, all existing end-to-end monitors are
End-to-end masks are supported only on the Brocade Encryption Switch.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account with admin permissions.
2. Enter the perfSetPortEEMask command.
perfsetporteemask [slotnumber/]portnumber "TxSIDMsk" "TxDIDMsk" "RxSIDMsk"