Users Guide

996 Fabric OS Command Reference
Configures and displays SerDes tuning values.
SYNOPSIS serdestunemode --set
serdestunemode --reset
serdestunemode --show
serdestunemode --autoenable
serdestunemode --autodisable
serdestunemode --autoreset
serdestunemode --autoshow
serdestunemode --help
DESCRIPTION Use this command to configure and display SerDes tuning values on the Brocade FC8-16 blade and to
control tuning optimization of backend links for all Brocade FC8-xx blades.
When used with the --set,--reset and --show options, this command enables or disables the SerDes
tuning mode for the Brocade FC8-16 port blade and to display the configuration.
Enabling SerDes tuning mode for the Brocade FC8-16 port blade is indicated under the following
You have a Brocade FC8-16 blade installed in slot 2 or in slot 7 (or in both slots) in a DCX-4S
chassis with a CR4S-8 core blade.
You notice increasing numbers of CRC errors on ports 1/11, 2/0, 2/1, 2/3, 2/4, 2/5, 2/8, 2/10, 6/58
and 7/1.
Enabling SerDes tuning mode change the SerDes values on the above-mentioned ports in slots 1, 2 and
7 along with their peer ports, provided the port blades are FC8-16s and the peer is a CR4S-8 core blade.
SerDes tuning mode changes take effect immediately and are saved persistently.
When used with the --autoenable, --autodisable, --autoreset and --autoshow options, this command
configures SerDes tuning optimization for backend SerDes errors. SerDes tuning optimization is
indicated when you receive RASLog errors of type C2-5825 indicating a CRC error with a good EOF.
Brocade highly recommends that you contact your service provider if you encounter such errors. If the
error appears to be an isolated incident, you may enable auto SerDes tuning for a short period of time
(24-48 hours) to see if this resolves the problem. Then disable the function to reduce the risk of resetting
register values unnecessarily if single occurrence errors are encountered. If the errors persist contact
your service provider.
NOTES The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may be in
place. Refer to Chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS Commands" and Appendix A, "Command Availability" for
OPERANDS This command has the following operands:
Enables SerDes tuning mode and sets new SerDes values on FC8-16 blades in
slots 1, 2 and 7 and on peer ports in the CR4S-8 core blade.