Users Guide

1152 Fabric OS Command Reference
Displays all WWN-PID entries currently present in the partition.
Displays the PID currently bound to the specified device WWN.
Specifies the device WWN.
Displays the command usage.
EXAMPLES To bind a 16-bit address to a device WWN:
switch:admin> wwnaddress --bind \
10:00:00:06:2b:0f:76:5f 0x9000
To unbind a given address from a WWN:
switch:admin> wwnaddress --unbind \
To display all WWN address bindings on the current partition:
switch:admin> wwnaddress --show
# WWN Area Age Flag
1) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:71:0c 0x405 53 0x12
2) 10:00:00:05:1e:5e:2c:11 0x9900 101 0x21
3) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:71:0d 0x503 37 0x12
4) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:71:0e 0x304 43 0x12
5) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:71:0f 0x303 38 0x12
6) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:70:14 0x401 29 0x12
7) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:70:15 0x505 46 0x12
8) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:70:16 0x402 33 0x12
9) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:70:17 0x406 47 0x12
10) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:72:20 0x403 30 0x12
11) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:72:21 0x501 36 0x12
12) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:72:23 0x502 34 0x12
13) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:6e:30 0x301 35 0x12
14) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:6e:31 0x102 42 0x12
15) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:6e:32 0x302 39 0x12
16) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:6e:33 0x504 45 0x12
17) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:76:5e 0x404 101 0x12
18) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:76:5f 0x101 41 0x12
19) 20:20:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc 0x400 28 0x22
20) 20:21:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc 0x500 31 0x22
21) 20:22:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc 0x300 32 0x22
22) 20:23:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc 0x100 40 0x22
23) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:6d:ee 0x305 50 0x12
24) 10:00:00:06:2b:0f:6d:ef 0x103 49 0x12
To display the WWW address binding for device 20:22:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc:
switch:admin> wwnaddress --findPid 20:22:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc
20:22:00:05:1e:0b:61:cc 0x300
SEE ALSO portAddress