Users Guide

Fabric OS Command Reference 121
Sets chassis beaconing mode.
SYNOPSIS chassisbeacon [mode]
DESCRIPTION Use this command to enable or disable beaconing on a chassis. Chassis beaconing can be used to
locate a failing chassis in a group of chassis. Use the portBeacon command to locate a failing port, and
use the switchBeacon command to locate a failing (logical) switch.
When beaconing mode is turned on, the port LEDs flash green at various rates across the chassis. The
beaconing continues until you turn it off.
Beaconing mode takes over the port LEDs. The normal flashing LED pattern associated with an active,
faulty, or disabled port is suppressed, and only the beaconing pattern is shown. Other commands are still
executable and functional. However, if diagnostic frame-based tests such as portLoopbackTest are
executed, the diagnostic LED pattern is interleaved with the beaconing pattern.
The chassisBeacon command is one of three commands that control beaconing. Each command has a
clearly defined scope of action:
The portBeacon command enables or disables beaconing on a specified port.
The switchBeacon command enables or disables beaconing on all ports in the current logical
The chassisBeacon command to enables or disables beaconing on all ports in the chassis.
The actions of the beaconing commands are independent and mutually exclusive. For example, if you
enabled beaconing on the logical switch and you want to enable beaconing on the entire chassis, you
must first disable switch beaconing with the switchBeacon command before you can use the
chassisBeacon command to enable beaconing on the entire chassis. Likewise, existing portBeacon
settings remain unaffected if you enable or disable beaconing on the switch or on the chassis. Failure to
disable existing beaconing commands before using a different type of beaconing may cause the
commands to interfere with each other in unexpected ways.
To determine whether or not beaconing is enabled or disabled on the switch or chassis, use the
switchBeacon or chassisBeacon command without operands. A value of 0 indicates that the command
is disabled, a value of 1 indicates that the command is enabled. Issue the portBeacon --show command
to display beaconing for a specific port. The switchShow command displays the status of the
switchBeacon command only.
NOTES The execution of this command is subject to Virtual Fabric or Admin Domain restrictions that may be in
place. Refer to Chapter 1, "Using Fabric OS Commands" and Appendix A, "Command Availability" for
OPERANDS This command has the following operand:
Specify 1 to enable chassis beaconing mode or 0 to disable beaconing mode.
This operand is optional. If no operand is specified, the current value is displayed.
EXAMPLES To turn chassis beaconing mode on:
switch:admin> chassisbeacon 1
Chassis beacon success 1
To turn beaconing mode off:
switch:admin> chassisbeacon 0
Chassis beacon success 0