Users Guide

Fabric OS Command Reference 293
To assign an user-assigned FA-PWWN to an AG port:
fapwwn --assign -ag 12:34:56:78:90:12:23:45 -port 0 \
-v 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88
To delete the active FA-PWWN of a switch port:
fapwwn --delete -port 10
To delete the active FA-PWWN of an AG port:
fapwwn --delete -ag 12:34:56:78:90:12:34:56 -port 10
To display the active FA-PWWN for a single FC port (the real device PWWN is hidden):
fapwwn --show -port 10
Port PPWWN VPWWN PID Enable MapType
10 --:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- 52:00:10:00:00:0f:50:45 -- Yes Port/Auto
To display the active FA-PWWNs for all FC switch ports:
fapwwn --show -port all
Port PPWWN VPWWN PID Enable MapType
0 --:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- 52:00:10:00:00:0f:50:30 10101 Yes Port/Auto
1 --:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- 11:22:33:44:33:22:11:22 -- Yes Port/User
10 --:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- 52:00:10:00:00:0f:50:45 -- Yes Port/Auto
To display the active FA-PWWN of an AG port :
fapwwn --show -ag 10:00:00:05:1e:d7:3d:dc -port 8
AG Port Port Device Port WWN \
10:00:00:05:1e:d7:3d:dc/8 20 20:08:00:05:1e:d7:2b:74 \
Virtual Port WWN PID Enable MapType
11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 11403 Yes AG/User
(output split)
To display the active FA-PWWNs of all configured AG ports:
fapwwn --show -ag all
AG Port Port Device Port WWN \
10:00:00:05:1e:65:8a:d5/16 -- --:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- \
10:00:00:05:1e:d7:3d:dc/8 20 20:08:00:05:1e:d7:2b:74 \
10:00:00:05:1e:d7:3d:dc/9 20 20:09:00:05:1e:d7:2b:73 \
10:00:00:05:1e:d7:3d:dc/16 -- --:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- \
Virtual Port WWN PID Enable MapType
52:00:10:00:00:0f:50:30 -- Yes AG/Auto