Users Guide

340 Fabric OS Command Reference
Creates, modifies, and displays the LSAN fabric matrix or the FCR matrix.
SYNOPSIS fcrlsanmatrix
fcrlsanmatrix --add -lsan FID FID | -fcr wwn wwn
fcrlsanmatrix --remove -lsan FID FID | -fcr wwn wwn
fcrlsanmatrix --apply -lsan | -fcr | -all
fcrlsanmatrix --cancel -lsan | -fcr | -all
fcrlsanmatrix --display -lsan | -fcr | -all
fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview -lsan | -fcr
fcrlsanmatrix --verify -lsan | -fcr
fcrlsanmatrix --quickmode -lsan | -fcr
fcrlsanmatrix --help
DESCRIPTION Use this command to create, modify, remove, and manage Logical SAN (LSAN) Zone bindings between
edge fabrics or between FC routers. LSAN Zone bindings specify pairs of edge fabrics or FCRs that can
access each other and share LSAN Zone and device database information.
This command follows a transaction model. Modifications to the LSAN fabric matrix or to the FC router
matrix are saved nonpersistently in a cache until you save the changes persistently with the --apply
When used with the -lsan option, this command manages the LSAN matrix information. An LSAN fabric
pair binds two edge fabrics specified by their Fabric IDs. Every paired edge fabric implies two-way
communications. The paired edge fabrics have access only to the edge fabrics associated with them by
this command. The edge fabrics that are not specified in the LSAN fabric matrix have access to the
remaining unspecified edge fabrics. Using this information, the FCR switch maintains the remote LSAN
Zone and the device state database only if it is associated with its local edge fabrics.
For example, if the edge fabrics with FIDs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are online, all edge fabrics have two-way
communication. This is the default behavior. If you pair the edge fabrics 1 and 2 with the --add -lsan
command, the default access between the edge fabrics is changed as follows:
Fabric 1 can access only fabric 2.
Fabric 2 can access only fabric 1.
The fabrics 3, 4, and 5 can access each other, but cannot access Fabric 1 or 2.
The LSAN matrix information is automatically distributed to all switches in the fabric. The FIDs entered
are not required to be online when you set up the LSAN fabric matrix.
When used with the -fcr option, this command manages the FC router matrix. This database consists of
FC router pairs that can talk to each other. All edge fabrics connected to a defined pair of FCRs are
allowed to import devices to each other.
Once a fabric is removed from an FCR, the communication with other fabrics of the two FCRs is also
removed. It is advisable to update the matrix to reflect the change. If FCR Binding is enabled in the edge
fabrics, the edge fabrics can still communicate with the backbone fabric. The LSAN matrix provides a
higher level of granularity than the FCR matrix. Therefore, communication between two fabrics could
pass the FCR matrix, but fail due to restriction of the FID matrix.