Users Guide

Fabric OS Command Reference 407
To display the flow definition and statistics of a flow:
switch:admin> flow --show myflow2
Name : myflow2 Features: gen(Active)
Definition: IngrPort(3),SrcDev(0x010203),DstDev(0x020304)
Flow Generator (Active):
| SrcDev | DstDev |
| 0x010203 | 0x020304 |
Number of frames generated from IngrPort : 1.50G
To display the statistics of the Flow Monitor feature:
switch:admin> flow --show myflow1 -feature monitor
Name : myflow1 Features: mon(Active)
Definition: IngrPort(10),SrcDev(0x020a00),DstDev(0x030000)
Flow Monitor (Active):
Monitor time: | Tue Jun 25 04:20:06 PDT 2013 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
| Frame Count | Frames Per Sec. | Byte count \
| Tx / Rx / Total | Tx / Rx / Total | Tx / Rx / Total \
------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
| 18.20G/ 0 / 18.20G|786.52k/ 0 /786.52k| 73.48T/ 0 / 73.48T \
------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
========================================================================= \
| Throughput(Bps) |Frame Size(Bytes)|
| Tx / Rx / Total | Tx / Rx |
| 1.56G/ 0 / 1.56G| -- / -- |
To display the monitor statistics from a particular source to destination on a specified LUN:
switch:admin> flow --show lunFlow
Name : lunFlow Features: sts(Active)
Definition: IngrPort(5),SrcDev(0x010502),DstDev(0x030700),Lun(4)
Flow Stats:
Stats time: | Thu Jun 06 15:15:39 UTC 2013 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
| I/O Count | I/O Per Sec.(IOPS) | I/O bytes Transferred \
| Reads / Writes/ Total | Reads / Writes/ Total | Reads / Writes/ Total \
------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
| 44.92k/ 44.94k/ 89.85k| 2.00k/ 2.00k/ 4.01k | 5.88M/ 5.89M/ 11.77M \
------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
======================================================================== \
| I/O bytes Per Sec. |