Users Guide

694 Fabric OS Command Reference
--ficon-dvcack [0|1]
Enables (1) or disables (0) FICON Device Level Acknowledgement
emulation. This feature is applicable to both FICON Disk and Tape
configurations. The feature removes one network round trip for exchanges
that end with a Device Level Acknowledgement frame from the device. This
feature is enabled by default (recommended setting).
--ficon-read-blk [0|1]
Enables (1) or disables (0) FICON read Tape Read Block ID emulation. This
feature permits FICON write channel programs containing embedded read
block ID commands (CCWs) with a byte count of exactly four bytes to be
processed as emulated commands during write emulation processes.
--ficon-print [0|1]
Enables (1) or disables (0) FICON printer emulation on the specified FCIP
tunnel. This command is valid only with the modify option.
--max-read-pipe value
Defines the maximum number of tape read channel commands (CCWs) that
can enter the read pipeline for a single device whether all the CCWs are
bundled in a single channel program or in multiple channel programs. The
setting has significance only for host (channel) initiated operations at this side
and will not affect tape write operations initiated by hosts (channels) attached
at the opposite side. Too small of a value will result in poor performance. The
value should be chosen based upon the typical tape channel program that
requires optimum performance. The default value is 32 (recommended
setting). The range is 1 to 100.
--max-write-pipe value
Defines the maximum number of tape write channel commands (CCWs) that
can enter the write pipeline for a single device whether all the CCWs are
bundled in a single channel program or in multiple channel programs. The
setting has significance only for host (channel) initiated operations at this side
and will not affect tape write operations initiated by hosts (channels) attached
at the opposite side. Too small of a value will result in poor performance. The
value should be chosen based upon the typical tape channel program that
requires optimum performance. The default value is 32 (recommended
setting). The range is 1 to 100.
--max-read-devs value
Defines the maximum number of concurrent emulated tape read operations.
As concurrency increases, the value of emulation decreases. Excessive
concurrency has the potential to oversubscribe packet data memory. The
setting has significance only for host (channel) initiated operations at this side
and will not affect tape read operations initiated by hosts (channels) attached
at the opposite side. The default value is 16. The range is 1 to 32.
--max-write-devs value
Defines the maximum number of concurrent emulated tape write operations.
As concurrency increases, the value of emulation decreases. Excessive
concurrency has the potential to oversubscribe packet data memory. The
setting has significance only for host (channel) initiated operations at this side
and will not affect tape write operations initiated by hosts (channels) attached
The default value is 16. The range is 1 to 32.