Users Guide

22 Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator’s Guide
MAPS policies overview
Monitoring similar ports using the same rules
You can create groups of ports that behave in a similar manner and monitor these ports using the
same rules and thresholds.
Often on a switch there are sets of ports that behave in a similar manner and have a different
behavior from other sets of ports. For example, the behavior of ports connected to UNIX hosts and
servers is different from the behavior of ports connected to Windows hosts and servers.
To easily monitor these similar sets of ports using the same rules, you can create a group and apply
rules to the group.
To create a group and apply rules to the group, complete the following steps.
1. Create a logical group of similar ports.
switch:admin> logicalgroup --create unix_ports -type port -members "1,3,17,21"
2. Create rules using this logical group and add them to the active policy.
switch:admin> mapsrule --create unix_hi_crc -monitor crc -group unix_ports
-timebase min -op g -value 50 -action raslog -policy my_policy
3. Enable the policy.
switch:admin> mapspolicy --enable my_policy
You must enable the policy even if it is the active policy. Adding a rule to the active policy does
not take effect until you re-enable the policy.
MAPS policies overview
A MAPS policy is a set of rules that define thresholds for measures and action to take when a
threshold is triggered. When you enable a policy, all of the rules in the policy are in effect.
A switch can have multiple policies. For example, you can have a policy for everyday use and you
can have another policy for when you are running backups or performing switch maintenance.
Only one policy can be active at a time. When you enable a policy, it becomes the active policy and
the rules in the active policy take effect.
One policy must always be active on the switch. You can have an active policy with no rules, but you
must have an active policy. You cannot disable the active policy. You can only change the active
policy by enabling a different policy.
Predefined policies
MAPS provides three predefined policies that you can neither modify or delete:
Contains rules with thresholds values between the aggressive and conservative policies.
This is the default policy.
Contains rules with very strict thresholds. Use this policy if you need a pristine fabric
(for example, FICON fabrics).