Users Guide

36 Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator’s Guide
Monitoring flows using MAPS
Notes on removing flows
Deimporting will succeed only if there are no MAPS rules associated with the flow. Before
removing a flow, you must delete all the rules associated with that flow.
You can only remove one flow at a time.
Removing a flow only removes it from MAPS. It does not affect the flow definition in Flow Vision.
Monitoring flows using MAPS
To monitor the network, you can define flows on a switch with different feature sets. Flows defined
in Flow VIsion can be imported into MAPS as groups. MAPS supports thresholding on statistics
monitored by the Flow Vision statistics-monitoring feature. For more details on flows and
Flow Vision, refer to the Fabric OS Flow Vision Administrator’s Guide.
To monitor flows using MAPS, complete the following steps.
1. Create the flow in Flow Vision using flow --create.
2. Import the flow into MAPS using mapsConfig --import.
3. Define a MAPS rule using mapsRule --create.
Once a flow is imported to MAPS, you can define MAPS rules to monitor it. Refer to “MAPS rules
overview on page 26 for information on creating and using rules.
The following example illustrates these steps.
switch:admin> flow --create myflow22 -feature monitor -egrport 21
-srcdev 0x010200 -dstdev 0x040500
switch:admin> mapsconfig --import myflow22
switch:admin> mapsrule --create myRule22 -group myflow22 -monitor TX_FCNT
-timebase hr -op g -value 22 -action RASLOG –policy myPolicy
If an imported flow is deleted in Flow Vision
If you delete a flow that has not been imported into MAPS, there is no change in MAPS. If you delete
a flow that has been imported into MAPS, the flow is marked as deleted, but the group
corresponding to the flow will remain. Groups are only removed if the flow --deimport command is
used. Creating the flow again will not cause it to be monitored automatically. If, after you have
deleted a flow, you then try to import a flow with the same name as the deleted flow, the import will
fail and a RASLog message is generated. If you are certain that you want to import that flow and
monitor it using the existing rules for that flow, you must use the -force keyword as part of
mapsConfig --import. For more details on RASLog messages in MAPS, refer to the Fabric OS
Message Reference.
The following example demonstrates importing a flow using the -force keyword.
switch:admin> mapsconfig --import myExFlow -force
Subflow monitoring is not supported at this time.