Users Guide

Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator’s Guide 37
Monitoring flows using MAPS
Small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver monitoring on simulated mode (SIM) ports is not
supported for MAPS.
Examples of using MAPS to monitor traffic performance
The following examples illustrate using MAPS to monitor traffic performance.
Monitoring end-to-end performance
The following example monitors the percentage of frames exceeding the configured threshold of RX
and TX values in a flow between two devices. To achieve this, it defines a flow using the
-feature monitor parameter for a particular SID, DID, and port.
switch:admin> flow --create E2Eflow -feature monitor -ingrport 5 -scrdev 0x010200
-dstdev 0x020300
switch:admin> mapsconfig --import endtoendflow
switch:admin> mapsrule --create E2E -monitor TX_THPUT -group E2E_10 -timebase min
-op g -value 10 -action rasLog -policy flowPolicy
Monitoring frames for a specified set of criteria
The following example watches for frames in a flow going through a port that contain ABORT
sequence markers.
switch:admin> flow --create abtsflow -feature mon -ingrport 128 -frametype abts
switch:admin> mapsconfig --import abtsflow
You can then define rules for this flow (group).
switch:admin> mapsrule --create abts cnt rl -monitor TxFcnt -group abtsFlow
-timebase min -ops ge -value 10 -action rasLog -policy flowPolicy