Users Guide

Monitoring and Alerting Policy Suite Administrator’s Guide 39
MAPS Dashboard
In this chapter
MAPS dashboard overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Flow Vision integration with the MAPS dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Bottleneck detection integration with the MAPS dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
MAPS dashboard overview
The MAPS dashboard provides a summary view of the switch health status that allows you to easily
determine whether everything is working according to policy or whether you need to investigate
MAPS dashboard sections
The MAPS dashboard output is divided into three main sections: dashboard high-level information,
switch health report information, and categorized health information, plus a history section that is
displayed if you enter mapsDb --show all.
Dashboard high-level information
The Dashboard high-level information section displays the basic data for the dashboard: the time
the dashboard was started, the name of the active policy, and any fenced ports.
Switch Health Report information
The Switch Health Report information section displays the current switch policy status and lists any
factors contributing to that status as defined by the Switch Health Report rules in the active policy.
Refer to “Switch Policy Status” on page 12 for more details.
Categorized health information
The Categorized health information section collects and summarizes the various switch statistics
monitored by MAPS into seven categories, and displays the current status of each category since
the previous midnight, and the status of each category for the past seven days. If a rule violation
has caused a change in the status of a category, rule-related information is included for that
category. The following categories are monitored by MAPS:
Port Health: Refer to “Port Health” on page 12.
FRU Health: Refer to “FRU Health” on page 14.
Security Violations: Refer to “Security Violations” on page 14.