Users Guide

Fabric OS Message Reference 293
Reseat the FRU.
Execute the diagPost command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled; then power
cycle the blade by using the slotPowerOff and slotPowerOn commands or have the blade's ejector
switch cycled to run POST and verify that the blade does not have any hardware problems.
If the problem persists, replace the FRU.
Message 2 circuit paired Power Supplies are faulty, please check the <Switch side> AC main
switch/circuit to see if it has power.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates that both power supplies associated with one of the two main circuits are present but faulty, the
circuit's switch may have been turned off, or the AC power source has been interrupted for that circuit.
The Switch side value designates the circuit switch facing the cable side of the chassis, and is one of the
following values:
left - Controls the odd-numbered power supply units.
right - Controls the even-numbered power supply units.
Verify that the identified AC circuit switch is turned on, the power cord is properly attached and
undamaged, and the power source is operating properly.
Message <FRU Id> is not accessible.
Message Type LOG
Severity WARNING
Probable Cause Indicates that the specified field-replaceable unit (FRU) is not present on the switch.
If the FRU is a World Wide Name (WWN) card, the default WWN and IP addresses are used for the
Reseat the FRU.
If the problem persists, restart or power cycle the switch.
Execute the diagPost command to make sure that Power-On Self-Test (POST) is enabled; then power
cycle the blade by using the slotPowerOff and slotPowerOn commands or have the blade's ejector
switch cycled to run POST and verify that the blade does not have any hardware problems.
If the problem still persists, replace the FRU.