Users Guide

Fabric OS Message Reference 809
Message S<slot number containing Encryption Engine>, <module name>: No output KEK for DEK
rewrap, DEK: <DEK octet 1> <DEK octet 2> <DEK octet 3> <DEK octet 4>, KEK: <KEK
octet 1> <KEK octet 2> <KEK octet 3> <KEK octet 4>.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates the output wrapping key encryption key (KEK) for the data encryption key (DEK) to be
rewrapped does not exist within the encryption engine CryptoModule.
No action is required. The KEK will be recovered automatically.
Message S<slot number containing Encryption Engine>, <module name>: No output KEK for DEK
create, KEK: <KEK octet 1> <KEK octet 2> <KEK octet 3> <KEK octet 4>.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates the output wrapping key encryption key (KEK) for the data encryption key (DEK) to be created
does not exist within the encryption engine CryptoModule.
For opaque key vaults such as DPM, recover the missing master key to the current or alternate position.
Message S<slot number containing Encryption Engine>, <module name>: DEK inject error: <SP
status code>, DEK: <DEK octet 1 or other info> <DEK octet 2> <DEK octet 3> <DEK
octet 4>.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates an error in injecting data encryption key (DEK) into encryption engine. The SP status code
variable specifies the cause of the error:
14 - Invalid input DEK format
32 - DEK could not be unwrapped
33 - FGPA error upon inject
73 - Invalid key encryption key (KEK) format
Contact your switch service provider for assistance.