Deployment Guide

Fabric OS Message Reference 675
Message MS Invalid CT Response from d=<domain>.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates that the Management Server (MS) received an invalid common transport (CT) response from
the switch domain. MS expects either a CT accept IU or a reject IU; the MS received neither response,
which violates the Fibre Channel - Generic Services (FS-GS) specification.
Check the integrity of the FC switch at the specified domain. It is not sending correct MS information as
defined by the Fibre Channel - Framing and Signaling (FC-FS) standard.
Message MS Unexpected iu_data_sz=<number of bytes>.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates that the Management Server (MS) received an information unit (IU) data of unexpected size.
The IU payload and the IU size may be inconsistent with each other or with the command that is currently
being processed.
Wait a few minutes and try the operation again.
If the message persists, execute the supportFtp command (as needed) to set up automatic FTP
transfers; then execute the supportSave command and contact your switch service provider.
Message MS Failure while initializing <action>.
Message Type LOG
Severity ERROR
Probable Cause Indicates that the Management Server (MS) failed while initializing the specified action. This message is
often transitory.
The action can be one of the following:
while writing to ms_els_q: MS is unable to write a message to the MS Extended Link Service
while inserting timer to timer list: MS is unable to add a timer to a resource.
If the error persists, check the available memory on the switch using the memShow command.