MIB Reference Guide

36 Fabric OS MIB Reference
Interfaces group
Read only An estimate (in bits per second) of the interface's current bandwidth.
For interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or interfaces for which no
accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal
bandwidth. For Fabric OS v4.x, 2 Gbps returns.
eth0 returns 100000000 and not null
fc port returns 1,000,000,000 for 1 Gbps port
fc port returns 2000000000 for 2 Gbps port
fc port returns 4000000000 for 4 Gbps port
For 10G, value displayed is 4294967295
For 8G, value displayed is 4294967295
For 16G, value displayed is 4294967295
Read only The interface's address at the protocol layer immediately below the network
layer in the protocol stack.
For interfaces that do not have such an address (for example, a serial line),
this object should contain an octet string of zero length.
eth0 returns the MAC address for GbE ports
lo returns null
SNMP represents the FC port ID in ASCII hex represenation. For
example, 36:35:35:33:36 is equivalent to the decimal value of 65536.
To get the decimal value 36-30 = 6; 35-30= 5 and so on. To get the FC
port ID, convert the decimal into hex (the hex value of 65536 is 01 00
00, where the first two digits are the domain, the next two digits are the
area, and the last two digits are the port number).
ASCII hex (36:35:35:33:36) => decimal (65536) => hex (01 00 00)
Read-write The desired state of the interface.
Valid values:
up (1)
down (2)
testing (3)
NOTE: The testing (3) state indicates that no operational packets can be
passed. This object is read-only in Fabric OS v4.x and later versions.
This object should return same value with ifOperStatus for WAN and FC ports
Read only The current operational state of the interface.
Valid values:
up (1)
down (2) or
testing (3)
unknown (4)
Active tunnels will be up; inactive tunnels will be down (configured but not
NOTE: The testing (3) state indicates that no operational packets can be
Read only The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current
operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last
re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this object
contains a zero value.
Read only The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing
characters. This value is the number of 4-byte words received and multiplied
by four.
Object and OID Access Description