Release Notes

Fabric OS v7.2.0a Release Notes v1.0 Page 35 of 93
speeds when compared to 8G/4G/2G speeds. Because of this, Fabric Watch alerts and Port Fencing
based on ITW (Invalid Transmission Word) thresholds will not function as these enc_in and enc_out
counters will not be incremented when operating at either 10G or 16G (ITW is computed based on
enc_in and enc_out counters). Also any CLI or GUI that displays enc_in and enc_out counters will
show no incrementing of these counters when a port is operating at either 10G or 16G.
Both enc_in and enc_out counters contain valid information when a Condor3-based port is operating
at speeds other than 10G and 16G.
Virtual Fabrics
When creating Logical Fabrics that include switches that are not Virtual Fabrics capable, it is possible
to have two Logical Switches with different FIDs in the same fabric connected via a VF incapable
switch. Extra caution should be used to verify the FIDs match for all switches in the same Logical
A switch with Virtual Fabrics enabled may not participate in a fabric that is using Password Database
distribution or Administrative Domains. The Virtual Fabrics feature must be disabled prior to deploying
in a fabric using these features.
Please note a documentation correction to the “Table 3 Certified and Tested Platforms” of the Web
Tools Administrator’s Guide supporting Fabric OS v7.2.0. Unlike what is stated in the table, Web Tools
is not supported with the Chrome browser with FOS v7.2.
Support for up to 2MB zone database in a fabric with only DCX/DCX-4S/DCX8510 systems. The
presence of any other platform in the fabric will limit the maximum zone database to 1MB. Please
note that there is no enforcement by FOS 7.1 or later to restrict users to operate within a zone
database limit - it is the responsibility of the user to not exceed this limit.
There are limitations to zoning operations that can be performed from a FOS v6.x switch that is in the
same fabric as a FOS v7.0 or later switch if the FOS v6.x switch is not running the recommended
firmware version. Please see Fabric OS Interoperability section for details.
Beginning with the FOS v6.2.0 release, all WWNs containing upper-case characters are automatically
converted to lower-case when associated with a zone alias and stored as part of a saved configuration
on a switch. For example, a WWN entered as either “AA.BB.CC.DD.EE.FF.GG.HH” or
“” when associated with a zone alias will be stored as “
on a switch operating with FOS v6.2.0 or later.
This behavioral change in saved zone alias WWN members will not impact most
environments. However, in a scenario where a switch with a zone alias WWN member with upper case
characters (saved on the switch with pre-FOS v6.2.0 code) is merged with a switch with the same alias
member WWN in lower case characters, the merge will fail, since the switches do not recognize these
zoning configurations as being the same.
For additional details and workaround solutions, please refer to the latest FOS Admin Guide updates
or contact Brocade Customer Support.
Using a Windows anonymous FTP server for supportsave collection: