Reference Guide

Secure Operation of the Module 33
RSA BSAFE Crypto-J JSAFE and JCE Software Module 6.2.5 Security Policy Level 1
For three-key Triple-DES:
The use of three-key Triple-DES is approved.
The user is responsible for ensuring the same Triple-DES key has a limit
64-bit data block encryptions when keys are generated as part of
one of the recognized IETF protocols.
64-bit data block encryptions otherwise.
For more information about the use of three-key Triple-DES, see
NIST Special Publication 800-67 revision 2: Recommendation for the Triple
Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher.
2.3.2 Crypto User Guidance on Obtaining Assurances for
Digital Signature Applications
The module provides support for the FIPS 186-4 standard for digital signatures. The
following gives an overview of the assurances required by FIPS 186-4. NIST Special
Publication 800-89: “Recommendation for Obtaining Assurances for Digital
Signature Applications” provides the methods to obtain these assurances.
The tables below describe the FIPS 186-4 requirements for signatories and verifiers
and the corresponding module capabilities and recommendations.
Table 6 Signatory Requirements
FIPS 186-4 Requirement Module Capabilities and Recommendations
Obtain appropriate DSA and
ECDSA parameters when
using DSA or ECDSA.
The generation of DSA parameters is in accordance with the
FIPS 186-4 standard for the generation of probable primes.
For ECDSA, use the NIST recommended curves as defined
in section
Obtain assurance of the
validity of those parameters.
The module provides APIs to validate DSA parameters for
probable primes as described in FIPS 186-4.
For ECDSA, use the NIST recommended curves as defined
in section
2.3.1. For the JCM API,
Obtain a digital signature key
pair that is generated as
specified for the appropriate
digital signature algorithm.
The module generates the digital signature key pair
according to the required standards.
Choose a FIPS-Approved DRBG like HMAC DRBG to
generate the key pair.
Obtain assurance of the
validity of the public key.
The module provides APIs to explicitly validate the public
key according to SP 800-89. For the JCM API,
Obtain assurance that the
signatory actually possesses
the associated private key.
The module verifies the signature created using the private
key, but all other assurances are outside the scope of the