Reference Guide

Secure Operation of the Module 35
RSA BSAFE Crypto-J JSAFE and JCE Software Module 6.2.5 Security Policy Level 1
2.3.4 Crypto User Guidance on Obtaining Assurances for
Key Transport Applications
The module provides support for the NIST SP800.56B recommendations for key
transport. NIST Special Publication 800-56B Revision 1: “Recommendation for
Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Integer Factorization Cryptography”
provides the methods to obtain these assurances.
The tables below describe the SP 800-56B recommendations for key transport.
Obtain a key establishment
key pair that is generated as
specified for the appropriate
The module generates the digital signature key pair according
to the required standards.
Choose a FIPS-Approved DRBG like HMAC DRBG to
generate the key pair.
Owner assurance of the
validity of the public key.
The module provides APIs to explicitly validate the public
key according to SP 800-89. For the JCM API,
PublicKey.isValid(SecureRandom secureRandom)
Owner assurance of the
validity of the private key.
The module provides APIs to explicitly validate the private
key according to SP 800-56A. For the JCM API,
Owner assurance of pairwise
The module provides an API to explicitly validate the keypair
according to the pairwise consistency requirements in SP
800.56A. For the JCM API,
Table 9 Key Transport Recommendations
NIST SP 800-56B
Module Capabilities and Recommendations
Assurance of Key-Pair
The module provides APIs to explicitly validate an RSA Key
Pair according to SP 800.56B. The JCM API available is:
KeyPair.validate(AlgInputParams, SecureRandom).
The parameters object can be supplied with
This API performs both a pairwise consistency test and a key
pair validation according to
“rsakpv1-crt” and
“crt_pkv” methods.
Assurance of Public Key
The module provides APIs to explicitly validate the RSA
public key according to SP 800.56B and SP 800-89.
The JCM API available is:
KeyPair.validate(AlgorithmParams, SecureRandom)
Assurance of Possession of
Private Key
The module supports Key Confirmation for providing
assurance of possession of a private key in a key transport
scheme. The JCM API available is:
Table 8 Key Establishment Recommendations (continued)
NIST SP 800-56A
Module Capabilities and Recommendations