Reference Guide

Secure Operation of the Module 33
RSA BSAFE Crypto-J JSAFE and JCE Software Module 6.2.5 Security Policy Level 1
with Level 2 Roles, Services and Authentication
When generating RSA key pairs for signatures or key transport, generation shall
comply with the following:
KEY_TYPE parameter must be omitted or have a value of 0.
KEY_BITS parameter must have value 2048, 3072 or 4096.
SECURITY_STRENGTH parameter may be input. Acceptable values are:
112, when used for
KEY_BITS of 2048.
128, when used for
KEY_BITS of 3072 or 4096.
PUB_EXP value must be an odd number and have a minimum value of
0x10001 (65537).
The length of an RSA key pair for digital signature generation and verification
must be 2048, 3072 or 4096 bits. For digital signature verification, 1024 bits is
allowed for legacy-use. RSA keys shall have a public exponent of at least 65537.
SHA1 is disallowed for the generation of digital signatures.
The key length for an HMAC generation or verification must be equal to or
greater than 112 bits. For HMAC verification, a key length greater than or equal to
80 and less than 112 is allowed for legacy-use.
Note: JCE MAC APIs do not distinguish between generate and verify,
therefore a key length check is not explicitly performed in JCE.
For Single-step KDF:
A FIPS 140-2 approved hash function must be used.
A FIPS 140-2 approved HMAC must be used.
The extracted key-derivation key must be used solely for the single
key-expansion step. For more information see
SP 800-56C Rev. 1
The minimum password length is 14 characters, which has a strength of
approximately 112 bits, assuming a randomly selected password using the
extended ASCII printable character set is used.
For random passwords - a string of characters from a given set of
characters in which each character is equally likely to be selected - the
strength of the password is given by:
S=L*(log N/log 2) where N is
the number of possible characters (for example, ASCII printable
N = 95, extended ASCII printable characters N = 218) and L
is the number of characters. A password of the strength S can be guessed
at random with the probability of 1/2
Keys generated using PBKDF shall only be used in data storage
The length of the randomly-generated portion of the salt shall be at least
16 bytes. For more information see