Reference Guide

6 The Cryptographic Module
RSA BSAFE Crypto-J JSAFE and JCE Software Module 6.2.5 Security Policy Level 1
with Level 2 Roles, Services and Authentication
1.2.2 Affirmation of Compliance for other Operating
Affirmation of compliance is defined in Section G.5, “Maintaining Validation
Compliance of Software or Firmware Cryptographic Modules,” in Implementation
Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program.
Compliance is maintained in all operational environments for which the binary
executable remains unchanged. Specifically, RSA affirms compliance for the
following operational environments:
Mac OS
X 10.8+
x86 (32-bit) Apple JDK 8.0
x86_64 (64-bit) Apple JDK 8.0.
Ubuntu™ 16.04 Server
x86 (32-bit) IBM JDK 8.0, OpenJDK 8u, Oracle JDK 8.0
x86_64 (64-bit) IBM JDK 8.0, OpenJDK 8u, Oracle JDK 8.0 and 9.0.1.
Android 4.4.x
v7 (32-bit)
x86 (32-bit).
Android 5.x
v7 (32-bit)
x86 (32-bit).
Android 6.x
ARM v7 (32-bit)
ARM v8 (32-bit)
ARM v8 (64-bit)
x86 (32-bit).
Android 7.x
ARM v7 (32-bit)
ARM v8 (32-bit)
ARM v8 (64-bit)
x86 (32-bit).