Reference Guide

16 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit
RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.1 Security Policy
Level 1
2.4.3 Key Access
An authorized operator of the module has access to all key data created during
Crypto-C ME operation.
Note: The Crypto User and Crypto Officer roles have equal and complete
access to all keys.
The following table lists the different services provided by the toolkit with the type of
access to keys or CSPs.
HMAC DRBG entropy Volatile memory only (plaintext).
HMAC DRBG V value Volatile memory only (plaintext).
HMAC DRBG key Volatile memory only (plaintext).
HMAC DRBG init_seed Volatile memory only (plaintext).
FIPS 186-2 seed Volatile memory only (plaintext).
FIPS 186-2 key Volatile memory only (plaintext).
Table 2 Key Storage (continued)
Key or CSP Storage
Table 3 Key and CSP Access
Service Type Key or CSP Type of Access
Encryption and decryption Symmetric keys (AES, Triple-DES) Read/Execute
Digital signature and
Asymmetric keys (DSA, Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA),
and RSA)
Message digest None N/A
MAC HMAC keys Read/Execute
Random number generation CTR DRBG entropy, V, and key
HMAC DRBG entropy, V, key, and init_seed
FIPS 186-2 seed and key
Key generation Symmetric keys (AES, Triple-DES)
Asymmetric keys (DSA, ECDSA, RSA, Diffie-Hellman
(DH), and ECDH)
MAC keys (HMAC)
Key establishment primitives Asymmetric keys (RSA, DH, ECDH) Read/Execute