Reference Guide

Acronyms and Definitions 55
RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.1.4 Security Policy Level 1
with Level 2 Roles, Services, and Authentication
FFC Finite Field Cryptography (FFC): the public-key cryptographic methods
using operations in a multiplicative group of a finite field. FFC keys are
use in algorithms including DSA and Diffie-Hellman.
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards.
FIPS 180-4 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication: Secure Hash
Standard (SHS).
FIPS 186-2 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication:
FIPS 186-4 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication: Digital Signature
Standard (DSS)
FIPS 198-1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication: The Keyed-Hash
Message Authentication Code (HMAC).
FIPS 202 Federal Information Processing Standards Publication: SHA-3 Standard:
Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions.
FPE Format-preserving encryption. Encryption where the ciphertext output is in
the same format as the plaintext input. For example, encrypting a 16-digit
credit card number produces another 16-digit number.
GCM Galois/Counter Mode. A mode of encryption combining the Counter mode
of encryption with Galois field multiplication for authentication.
GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code. An authentication only variant of
GOST GOST symmetric key encryption algorithm developed by the USSR
government. There is also the GOST message digest algorithm.
HKDF HMAC-based Extract-and Expand KDF. HKDF is a two-step key
derivation function, where the first step, extraction, transforms a shared
secret into a key-derivation key. The second step, expansion, uses the
key-derivation key to derive an output key
HMAC Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication Code.
HMAC DRBG HMAC Deterministic Random Bit Generator.
IG Implementation Guidance for FIPS 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module
Validation Program.
IV Initialization Vector. Used as a seed value for an encryption or MAC
JCMVP Japan Cryptographic Module Validation Program.
KAT Known Answer Test.
Table 14 Acronyms and Definitions (continued)
Term Definition