Reference Guide

12 Chapter 2: Changes in MES 4.2
RSA BSAFE Micro Edition Suite 4.4 Migration Guide
Library Files
The ccme_swprov static library file was renamed to mes_swprov. The
mes_swprov library provides cryptographic implementations that are not FIPS 140-2
Migrate Non-FIPS 140-2 Applications
Applications using standard or software cryptographic functionality, which previously
linked against the
ccme_swprov library file, now link against the mes_swprov
library file.
Header File and Namespace Changes
MES 4.2 introduced namespace changes to achieve greater consistency with the rest
of the source code. Some header files and the functions contained in them are
deprecated and should not be used.The following tables show both of these options.
Migrate Applications
Migrate your applications to the new R_*() set of functions using the new r_*.h
header files. No immediate changes are required to your application code because the
old functions are still available through the existing header files, but these functions
are deprecated.
To disable including deprecated header files, build your applications with
NO_BSAFE_DEPRECATED_HEADERS in your application source code, or on the
compilation command line.
The following table summarizes the namespace changes:
New Namespace
Deprecated Header
File Name
New Header File
BIO_* R_BIO_* bio.h
ERR_* R_GLBL_ERR_* err.h r_glbl_err.h
SIO_* R_SIO_* sio.h r_sio.h
SSL_* R_SSL_* ssl.h r_ssl.h
STACK_* R_STACK_* stack.h r_stack.h