Install Guide

Binary Installation for Android 15
RSA BSAFE SSL-J 6.2.6 Installation Guide
Binary Installation for Android
This section describes how to install the SSL-J binary toolkit on your Android
development environment.
Before you begin:
Ensure that the system you are installing onto has 900 MB of free disk space.
Obtain a decryption key from RSA.
Download the SSL-J encrypted package file and the decryption utility from the
download server to a convenient directory.
Install JDK 7.0 or above, and set the
JAVA_HOME environment variable
appropriately. The RSA BSAFE SSL-J Release Notes lists the supported platforms.
Install Android SDK r24 or newer, or Android Studio 1.3.2 or newer, and set the
ANDROID_HOME environment variable appropriately.
Ensure an Android device running a supported version of Android is available to
run SSL-J. A hardware device or an emulator can be used for this.
Install a supported Android platform. This can be done using the Android
SDK Manager included with the SDK or Android Studio.
Install Gradle 2.4 or newer.
android-sdk/platform-tools, andro id-sdk/tools and
gradle-home/bin to the path environment variable to allow the Android
commands to be called from the SSL-J build scripts.
Install Apache™ Ant™ 1.8.x.
Read these installation instructions.
To install SSL-J:
The following steps summarize the complete installation process which is detailed
1. Install SSL-J.
2. Build an Application to Run the SSL-J Samples.