Install Guide

Binary Installation for Android 21
RSA BSAFE SSL-J 6.2.6 Installation Guide
Build an Application to Run the SSL-J Samples
An Android samples application to run the SSL-J samples can be built from the
command line and Android Studio. Instructions are provided to:
Build the Android Application from the Command Line
Install the Android Samples Application from Android Studio.
Gradle scripts to build the application are included in this release at
Android samples are available in four build variants:
sslj - non-FIPS 140-2 mode with the Pure Java implementation
ssljFips - FIPS 140-2 mode with the Pure Java implementation
ssljNative - non-FIPS 140-2 mode with the Native implementation
ssljNativeFips - FIPS 140-2 mode with the Native implementation.
Build the Android Application from the Command Line
Before you Begin:
Ensure that your execution path will allow the gradle command to be executed.
Attach the relevant Android device.
To build the sample code:
1. Navigate to the Android samples directory.
cd root/sslj/android/BsafeAndroidSamples.
2. Run the Gradle wrapper task in the BsafeAndroidSamples project to create
the Gradle wrapper:
gradle wrapper --gradle-version=version
version is the installed version of Gradle.
url is optional, provided where Gradle is already downloaded, in the format
If not specified, the wrapper task downloads a new Gradle distribution.
3. Install and run the Android samples application on the attached device:
For a system running a Unix operating system:
./gradlew installvariantSamplesRelease
For a system running a Windows operating system:
./gradlew.bat installvariantSamplesRelease
where variant is one of the build variants listed above.