Power Supply User Manual

114 Using the System Setup Program
Serial port number
(COM1 default)
Select a serial port for console redirection.
COM1: Enables console redirection via COM1. See
token D7h.
COM2 as SOL: Enables console redirection via
Serial Port Address
(3F8h/2F8h default)
Specifies the base I/O port address of the serial port.
: Sets the front serial port address as 0x3F8
and internal serial port address as 0x2F8.
COM2 as SOL: Sets the front serial port address as
0x2F8 and internal serial port address as 0x3F8.
Serial Port Mode
(115200 8,n,1 as default)
Select a baud rate for the serial port. Options are
[115200 8,n,1], [57600 8,n,1], [38400 8,n,1],
[192008,n,1], and [9600 8,n,1].
Flow Control
(None default)
Select a flow control for console redirection. Options
are [None] and [Software].
Redirection After BIOS
POST (Always default)
If set to Always, the console redirection is always active.
When Disabled, console redirection is turned off after
Terminal Type
(ANSI default)
Select a target terminal type for console redirection.
Options are [ANSI], [VT100], and [VT-UTF8].
VT-UTF8 Combo Key
Support (Enabled default)
Enables or disables the VT-UTF8 Combination Key
support for ANSI/VT100 terminals.
Option Description