Users Guide

Monitoring FIPS Mode Status
To view the status of the current FIPS mode (enabled/disabled), use the following commands.
Use either command to view the status of the current FIPS mode.
show fips status
show system
Example of the show fips status and show system Commands
Dell#show fips status
FIPS Mode : Enabled
for the system using the show system command.
Dell#show system
System MAC : 00:01:e8:8a:ff:0c
Reload Type : normal-reload [Next boot : normal-reload]
-- Unit 0 --
Unit Type : Management Unit
Status : online
Next Boot : online
Required Type : C9010 - 48-port GE/TE/FG (SE)
Current Type : C9010 - 48-port GE/TE/FG (SE)
Master priority : 0
Hardware Rev : 3.0
Num Ports : 64
Up Time : 7 hr, 3 min
Dell Version : C9010-8-3-7-1061
Jumbo Capable : yes
POE Capable : no
FIPS Mode : enabled
Burned In MAC : 00:01:e8:8a:ff:0c
No Of MACs : 3
Disabling FIPS Mode
The following describes disabling FIPS mode.
When you disable FIPS mode, the following changes occur:
The SSH server disables.
All open SSH and Telnet sessions, as well as all SCP and FTP file transfers, close.
Any existing host keys (both RSA and RSA1) are deleted from system memory and NVRAM storage.
FIPS mode disables.
The SSH server re-enables.
The Telnet server re-enables (if it is present in the configuration).
New 1024–bit RSA and RSA1 host key-pairs are created.
To disable FIPS mode, use the following command.
To disable FIPS mode from a console port.
FIPS Cryptography