Users Guide

User: admin
Last login time: Mon Feb 16 04:40:00 2015
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 11 day(s): 3
Limit Concurrent Login Sessions
Dell Networking OS enables you to limit the number of concurrent login sessions of users on VTY,
auxiliary, and console lines. You can also clear any of your existing sessions when you reach the
maximum permitted number of concurrent sessions.
By default, you can use all 10 VTY lines, one console line, and one auxiliary line. You can limit the number
of available sessions using the login concurrent-session limit command and so restrict users to
that specific number of sessions. You can optionally configure the system to provide an option to the
users to clear any of their existing sessions.
Restrictions for Limiting the Number of Concurrent Sessions
These restrictions apply for limiting the number of concurrent sessions:
Only the system and security administrators can limit the number of concurrent sessions and enable
the clear-line option.
Users can clear their existing sessions only if the system is configured with the login concurrent-
session clear-line enable command.
Configuring Concurrent Session Limit
To configure concurrent session limit, follow this procedure:
Limit the number of concurrent sessions for all users.
login concurrent-session limit number-of-sessions
Example of Configuring Concurrent Session Limit
The following example limits the permitted number of concurrent login sessions to 4.
Dell(config)#login concurrent-session limit 4
Enabling the System to Clear Existing Sessions
To enable the system to clear existing login sessions, follow this procedure:
Use the following command.
login concurrent-session clear-line enable
Example of Enabling the System to Clear Existing Sessions
The following example enables you to clear your existing login sessions.
Dell(config)#login concurrent-session clear-line enable
Switch Management