Users Guide

Figure 104. Controlling Bridge with Port Extenders
1. Controlling Bridge (C9010) 2. Cascade ports on controlling bridge
3. 10GbE uplink ports on PEs 4. Standalone PE (C1048P)
5. PE stack 6. Cable connections in a ring topology
802.1BR Terms and Definitions
The 802.1BR protocol uses the following terms to describe the operation of a controlling bridge and
attached port extenders.
802.1BR Term Definition
Cascade port A port on a controlling bridge or bridge port extender that connects to an
upstream port. In the case of the connection between two bridge port extenders,
the cascade port is the port closest to the controlling bridge.
Controlling bridge A bridge that supports one or more bridge port extenders.
Port extender (PE) A bridge port extender that is not physically part of a controlling bridge, but is
controlled by the controlling bridge.
Port Extenders (PEs)