Concept Guide

VmanQos : 0
EcfmAcl : 0
Openflow : 0
-- linecard 1 --
Current Settings(in block sizes)
1 block = 256 entries
L2Acl : 5
Ipv4Acl : 4
Ipv6Acl : 0
Ipv4Qos : 2
L2Qos : 1
L2PT : 0
IpMacAcl : 0
VmanQos : 0
EcfmAcl : 0
Openflow : 0
-- linecard 2 --
Current Settings(in block sizes)
1 block = 256 entries
L2Acl : 5
Ipv4Acl : 4
Ipv6Acl : 0
Ipv4Qos : 2
L2Qos : 1
L2PT : 0
IpMacAcl : 0
VmanQos : 0
EcfmAcl : 0
Openflow : 0
The ipv6acl and vman-dual-qos allocations must be entered as a factor of 2 (2, 4, 6, 8, 10). All other prole allocations can use either
even or odd numbered ranges.
You must save the new CAM settings to the startup-cong (write-mem or copy run start) then reload the system for the new
settings to take eect.
1 Select a cam-acl action.
cam-acl [default | l2acl]
: Selecting default resets the CAM entries to the default settings. Select l2acl to allocate space for the ACLs
and QoS regions.
2 Enter the number of FP blocks for each region.
EXEC Privilege mode
l2acl number ipv4acl number ipv6acl number, ipv4qos number l2qos number, l2pt number ipmacacl
number ecfmacl number [vman-qos | vman-dual-qos number
: If the allocation values are not entered for the CAM regions, the value is 0.
3 Verify that the new settings will be written to the CAM on the next boot.
EXEC Privilege mode
show cam-acl
4 Reload the system.
EXEC Privilege mode
Content Addressable Memory (CAM)