Concept Guide

ipv6 mld query-interval
Reducing Host Response Burstiness
General Queries contain a Query Response Interval value, which is the amount of time the host has to respond to a general query. Hosts
set a timer to a random number less than the Query Response Interval upon receiving a general query, and send a report when the timer
expires. Increasing this value spreads host responses over a greater period of time, and so reduces response burstiness.
To adjust the query response time, use the following command:
ipv6 mld query-max-resp-time
Conguring MLD Version
To congure MLD version on the system, follow this procedure:
Select the MLD version
ipv6 mld version {1 | 2}
If you do not congure the MLD version, the system defaults to version 2.
The ipv6 mld version command is applicable for MLD snooping-enabled interfaces.
Clearing MLD groups
Clear a specic group or all groups on an interface from the multicast routing table.
To clear MLD groups, use the following command:
EXEC Privilege
clear ipv6 mld groups
Debugging MLD
Display Dell Networking OS messages about the MLD process.
To display debugging messages, use the following command:
EXEC Privilege
debug ipv6 mld
Explicit Tracking
If the Querier does not receive a response to a Multicast-Address-Specic Query, it sends another. Then, after no response, it removes the
group entry from the group membership table. You can congure the system to remove specied groups immediately after receiving a
Leave message to reduce leave latency.
To congure the system to remove a group immediately after receiving a Leave message, use the following command:
Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol