Concept Guide

You can connect System A and System B and congure them as VLT peers as follows:
1 Ensure that PE IDs of PE 1 and PE 2 are dierent. The IDs should be unique and cannot overlap during the conguration.
2 Ensure that System A and System B are upgraded to OS 9.10(0.) or later.
3 Enter VLT-domain conguration mode for a specied VLT domain. Ensure that both the systems are congured with the same VLT
domain ID.
vlt domain domain-id
The range of domain IDs is from 1 to 1000.
4 Congure the default MAC address for the domain by entering a new MAC address.
system-mac mac-address mac-address
The mac-address format is nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn.
5 Congure the unique unit ID (0 or 1) to each peer switch.
unit-id {0 | 1}
Congure a dierent unit ID (0 or 1) on each peer switch.
: The system MAC and unit ID are the mandatory congurations to be done so that the dual homing functions
NOTE: After saving the congurations to the startup-cong, reload the system with unit ID 1. This is mandatory and
proceed with further congurations after reloading the system.
6 Add VLTi for the election to happen between the systems.
7 System A and system B become VLT peers after the election of primary and secondary VLT units.
8 The PE connected to primary is online and PE to secondary remains oine.
9 Import the congurations of peer systems in both primary and secondary CBs by using the import peer-config command. This
ensures that the provisioning and interface congurations of the PE connected to the peer chassis are imported into the running
congurations of the respective CBs.
EXEC Privilege mode
Dell#import peer-config
10 The secondary PE comes online once the peer congurations are imported.
Once congured, the system starts functioning as a dual homing setup as shown in the following diagram:
Port Extenders (PEs)