Concept Guide

NAS disables the authentication port that is hosting the session and re-enables it after 10 seconds. All user sessions connected to this
authentication port are aected.
Dell(conf#)radius dynamic-auth
NAS takes the following actions whenever port-bounce is triggered:
validates the CoA request and the session identication attributes.
sends a CoA-Nak with an error-cause of 402 (missing attribute), if the CoA request does not contain the NAS-port attributes.
uses the NAS-port attribute to identify the 802.1x enabled interface.
sends a CoA-Nak with an error-cause value of 503 (session context not found), if it is unable to retrieve 802.1x enabled interface using
the NAS-port attribute.
sends a CoA-Ack if it is successfully able to ap the port.
discards the packet, if simultaneous requests are received for the same NAS Port.
Conguring CoA to re-authenticate 802.1x sessions
Dell EMC Networking OS provides RADIUS extension commands that enables you to congure re-authentication of 802.1x user sessions.
When you congure this feature, the DAC sends the CoA request to re-authenticate the 802.1x uer session when ever the authorization
level of the user’s prole changes.
Before conguring re-authentication of 802.1x sessions, ensure that the following prerequisites are satised:
Shared key is congured in NAS for DAC.
NAS server listens on the Management IP UDP port 3799 (default) or the port congured through CLI.
The user is logged-in through 802.1X enabled physical port and successfully authenticated with Radius Server.
To initiate 802.1x session re-authentication, the DAC sends a standard CoA request that contains one or more session identication
attributes. NAS uses the calling-station-id or the NAS-port attributes to identify a 802.1x user session. In case of the EAP or MAB users,
the MAC address is the calling-station-id of the supplicant and the NAS-port is the interface identier. If both these attributes are present
in the CoA request, NAS retrieves the supplicant connected to the interface. The EAP or MAB user sessions are re-authenticated and the
NAS sends a CoA-Ack to the user, in case the re-authentication is successful.
1 Enter the following command to congure the dynamic authorization feature:
radius dynamic-auth
2 Enter the following command to congure the re-authentication of 802.1x sessions:
NAS re-initiates the user authentication state.
Dell(conf#)radius dynamic-auth
NAS takes the following actions whenever re-authentication is triggered:
validates the CoA request and the session identication attributes.
sends a CoA-Nak with an error-cause of 402 (missing attribute), if the CoA request does not contain both the calling-station-id as well
as the NAS-port attribute.
sends a CoA-Ack if the re-authentication of the 802.1x session is successful.
sends a CoA-Nak with an error-cause value of 506 (resource unavailable), if it is unable to initiate the re-authentication process.
sends a CoA-Nak if user authentication fails due to unresponsive supplicant or RADIUS server.
sends a CoA-Ack, if the user is congured with static MAB prole.
discards the packet, if simultaneous requests are received for the same calling-station-id or NAS-port or both.
returns an error-cause value of 503 (session context not found), if it is not able to retrieve the session using the calling-station-id or
NAS-port attribute or both.
sends NAK if user is congured with forced-unauthorization.