Concept Guide

sends-ACK if user is congured with forced-authorization.
Terminating the 802.1x user session
Dell EMC Networking OS provides RADIUS extension commands that terminate the 802.1x user session. When this request is initiated, the
NAS disconnects the 802.1x user session without disabling the physical port that authenticated the current session.
Before terminating the 802.1x user session, ensure that the following prerequisites are satised:
Shared key is congured in NAS for DAC.
NAS server listens on the Management IP UDP port 3799 (default) or the port congured through CLI.
The user is logged-in through 802.1X enabled physical port and successfully authenticated with Radius Server.
NAS uses the calling-station-id or the NAS-port attributes to identify the 802.1x session. In case of the EAP and MAB users, the calling-
station-id is the MAC address of the supplicant and the NAS-port attribute is the interface identier. Using these atrributes, the NAS
retrieves the supplicant that is connected to the interface.
1 Enter the following command to congure the dynamic authorization feature:
radius dynamic-auth
2 Enter the following command to terminate the 802.1x user session:
NAS terminates the 802.1x user session without disabling the physical port.
Dell(conf#)radius dynamic-auth
NAS takes the following actions whenever session termination is triggered:
validates the DM request and the session identication attributes.
sends a DM-Nak with an error-cause of 402 (missing attribute), if the DM request does not contain the calling-station-id and NAS-port
returns an error-cause value of 503 (session context not found), if it is not able to retrieve the session using the calling-station-id or
NAS-port attribute or both.
sends a DM-Ack, if it is able to terminate the session.
sends a DM-Nak with an error-cause value of 506 (resource unavailable), if it is not able to apply changes to the existing session.
discards the packet, if simultaneous requests are received for the same NAS-port or calling-station-id, or both.
Disabling 802.1x enabled port
Dell EMC Networking OS provides RADIUS extension commands that enables you to disable 802.1x enabled ports. This command
administratively shuts down the port causing the termination of the dot1x user session. This command is useful when a port is known to
cause issue in the network and needs to be disabled.
Before disabling the 802.1x enabled port, ensure that the following prerequisites are satised:
Shared key is congured in NAS for DAC.
NAS server listens on the Management IP UDP port 3799 (default) or the port congured through CLI.
The user is logged-in through 802.1X enabled physical port and successfully authenticated with Radius Server.
To initiate shutting down of the 802.1x enabled port, the DAC sends a standard CoA request that contains one or more session
identication attributes. NAS uses the NAS-port attributes to identify the 802.1x enabled physical port.
1 Enter the following command to congure the dynamic authorization feature:
radius dynamic-auth
2 Enter the following command to disable the 802.1x enabled physical port: