Administrator Guide

Auto Save on Reload, Crash, or Rollover
Exception information for the switch is stored in the ash:/TRACE_LOG_DIR directory. This directory contains les that save trace
information when there has been a task crash or timeout and trace information from the Route Processor and Control Processor CPUs.
You can access the TRACE_LOG_DIR les by FTP or by using the show file command from the ash://TRACE_LOG_DIR directory.
Uploading Trace Logs
To upload a trace-log le from a switch CPU, use the upload trace-log command.
When the upload trace log command is issued, the trace log information is uploaded to ash:/TRACE_LOG_DIR.
rp — Enter the keyword rp to upload a trace log from the Route Processor CPU.
linecard slot-id — Enter the linecard slot-id parameters to specify the line-card CPU whose trace log you want to upload.
hw-trace — Enter the keyword hw-trace to upload the hardware trace log from the specied CPU.
sw-trace — Enter the keyword sw-trace to upload the software trace log from the specied CPU.
pe pe–id — Enter the keyword pe and port extender ID. Range is 0– 255.
stack-unit number — Enter the keyword stack-unit and a stack unit number. Stack unit range is 0 –7.
Upload a trace-log le from a switch CPU.
EXEC mode
upload trace-log {cp | rp | linecard slot-id pe PEID stack-unit unit number sw-trace | hw-
Example of Uploading a PE Trace Log
Dell#upload trace-log pe 0 stack-unit 0 hw-trace
Last Restart Reason
If a switch restarted for some reason (automatically or manually), the show rpm slot-id and show linecard slot-id command
outputs include the reason for the restart.
The following table shows the reasons displayed in the output and their corresponding causes.
Table 23. RPM Restart Causes and Reasons
Causes Displayed Reasons
Power cycle of the chassis normal power-cycle
Reload normal power-cycle
Table 24. Linecard Restart Causes and Reasons
Causes Displayed Reasons
Reset of linecard powered-on
326 Debugging and Diagnostics