Administrator Guide

snmp-server user ipv6
snmp-server community ipv6
snmp-server community access-list-name ipv6
snmp-server group ipv6
snmp-server group access-list-name ipv6
Displaying IPv6 Information
To view a specied IPv6 conguration, use the show ipv6command.
List the IPv6 show options.
EXEC mode or EXEC Privileged mode
show ipv6 ?
Example of show ipv6 Command Options
Dell#show ipv6 ?
accounting IPv6 accounting information
cam IPv6 CAM Entries
fib IPv6 FIB Entries
interface IPv6 interface information
mbgproutes MBGP routing table
mld MLD information
mroute IPv6 multicast-routing table
neighbors IPv6 neighbor information
ospf OSPF information
pim PIM V6 information
prefix-list List IPv6 prefix lists
route IPv6 routing information
rpf RPF table
Displaying an IPv6 Conguration
To view the IPv6 conguration for a specic interface, use the following command.
Display the currently running conguration for a specied interface.
EXEC mode
show ipv6 interface type {slot/port}
Enter the keyword interface then the type of interface and slot/port information:
For all brief summary of IPv6 status and conguration, enter the keyword brief.
For all IPv6 congured interfaces, enter the keyword configured.
For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernet then the slot/port information.
For a 40-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword fortyGigE then the slot/port information.
For a port extender (PE) Gigibait Ethernet interface, enter the keywords peGigE then thepeGigE pe-id/pe-stack-unit-id/port-
number information.
For a loopback interface, enter the keyword loopback then the loopback number.
For a port-channel interface, enter the keywords port-channel then the port-channel number.
For a VLAN interface, enter the keyword vlan then the VLAN ID.
Example of the show ipv6 interface Command
Dell#show ipv6 int man 1/0
ManagementEthernet 1/0 is up, line protocol is up
IPv6 Routing