Administrator Guide

Specify the server to which you want to send system messages. You can congure up to eight syslog servers.
logging {ip-address | ipv6-address | hostname} {{udp {port}} | {tcp {port}}}
Conguring a UNIX System as a Syslog Server
To congure a UNIX System as a syslog server, use the following command.
Congure a UNIX system as a syslog server by adding the following lines to /etc/syslog.conf on the UNIX system and assigning write
permissions to the le.
Add line on a 4.1 BSD UNIX system. local7.debugging /var/log/ftos.log
Add line on a 5.7 SunOS UNIX system. local7.debugging /var/adm/ftos.log
In the previous lines, local7 is the logging facility level and debugging is the severity level.
Display the Logging Buer and the Logging
To display the current contents of the logging buer and the logging settings for the system, use the show logging command in EXEC
privilege mode. When RBAC is enabled, the security logs are ltered based on the user roles. Only the security administrator and system
administrator can view the security logs.
Example of the show logging Command
Dell#show logging
Syslog logging: enabled
Console logging: level debugging
Monitor logging: level debugging
Buffer logging: level debugging, 416 Messages Logged, Size (40960 bytes)
Trap logging: level informational
Logging to
Logging to
Logging to
Logging to
Logging to
Jan 21 09:52:21: %SYSTEM:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from vty0 ( )by admin
Jan 21 09:32:57: %SYSTEM:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from vty0 ( )by admin
Jan 21 09:32:57: %SYSTEM:CP %SEC-3-AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE_SUCCESS: Enable password
authentication success on vty0 ( )
Jan 21 09:32:57: %SYSTEM:CP %SEC-5-LOGIN_SUCCESS: Login successful for user admin on line vty0
( )
Jan 21 04:11:02: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Te 0/1
Jan 21 04:11:02: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_DN: Changed interface state to down: Te 0/0
Jan 21 03:12:54: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-PSU_FAN_SPEED_CHANGE: PSU_Fan speed changed to 60 % of the
full speed
Jan 21 03:12:54: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-FAN_SPEED_CHANGE: Fan speed changed to 40 % of the full
Jan 21 03:02:51: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-PSU_FAN_SPEED_CHANGE: PSU_Fan speed changed to 80 % of the
full speed
Jan 21 03:02:51: %SYSTEM:LP %CHMGR-2-FAN_SPEED_CHANGE: Fan speed changed to 50 % of the full
Jan 21 02:56:54: %SYSTEM:CP %SNMP-6-SNMP_WARM_START: Agent Initialized - SNMP WARM_START.
Jan 21 02:56:54: %SYSTEM:CP %IFMGR-5-OSTATE_UP: Changed interface state to up: Te 2/3
To view any changes made, use the show running-config logging command in EXEC privilege mode, as shown in the example for
Congure a UNIX Logging Facility Level.
Switch Management