Administrator Guide

Examples of Syslog Temperature Alarm Conditions
The following are example syslogs temperature alarm conditions in the system.
Jun 18 01:49:03: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-2-MINOR_TEMP: Minor alarm: chassis temperature (linecard 0
temperature reaches or exceeds minor threshold of 99C)
Jun 18 01:54:30: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-2-MAJOR_TEMP: Major alarm: chassis temperature high (RPM 1
temperature reaches or exceeds threshold of 48C)
Jun 18 01:55:22: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-2-MAJOR_TEMP: Major alarm: chassis temperature high
(linecard 11 temperature reaches or exceeds threshold of 105C)
Examples of Syslog with a Critical Temperature Threshold Event
When the system experiences a high temperature on any temperature sensor that exceeds the Critical threshold, a shutdown log
event is generated as show in the following examples:
Dell#Jun 18 01:57:03: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-2-TEMP_SHUTDOWN_WARN: WARNING! linecard 11
temperature is 110C; approaching shutdown threshold of 110C)
Dell#Jun 18 01:57:04: %RPM1-P:CP %CHMGR-0-TEMP_SHUTDOWN_WARN: linecard 11 temperature
exceeded or equal to shutdown temperature 110C; Unit will shutdown now.Power cycle the unit
to power it on.
Example of Displaying Temperature threshold Values for Linecards and RPM
Dell#show alarm threshold
-- Temperature Limits (deg C) --
Minor Off Minor Major Off Major Shutdown
linecard0 78 99 84 105 110
Minor Off Minor Major Off Major Shutdown
RPM0 35 40 43 48 NA
Minor Off Minor Major Off Major Shutdown
PEid100/Stack0 60 65 72 75 105
To display current temperature of line sensors, use the show environment thermal-sensors command. Minor threshold crossings
do not cause alarms, but are used to trigger increases in the speed of the system fans as needed to keep the component temperature
within the desired range.
Dell#show environment thermal-sensor
-- Thermal Sensor Readings (deg C) --
Slot 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
47 47 47 - - - - - 42
To get the current sensor temperature of RPM, use the show rpm rpm-id.
In the following example, 29C is the CP card’s temperature in RPM. 52C is LP card’s sensor temperature in the RPM.
Dell#show rpm 1
-- RPM card 1 --
Status : active
Next Boot : online
Card Type : RPM - Route Processor Module (C9000-RPM-2.56T)
Hardware Rev : 4.0
Num Ports : 1
Up Time : 25 min, 39 sec
Last Restart : normal power-cycle
Dell Networking OS Version : 1-0(0-4058)
Jumbo Capable : yes
CP Boot Flash : [booted]
RP Boot Flash : [booted]
Boot Selector :
Debugging and Diagnostics