Administrator Guide

If you disable an uplink-state group, the downstream interfaces are not disabled regardless of the state of the upstream interfaces.
If an uplink-state group has no upstream interfaces assigned, you cannot disable downstream interfaces when an upstream link
goes down.
To enable the debug messages for events related to a specified uplink-state group or all groups, use the debug uplink-state-
group [group-id] command, where the group-id is from 1 to 16.
To turn off debugging event messages, use the no debug uplink-state-group [group-id] command.
For an example of debug log message, refer to Clearing a UFD-Disabled Interface.
Configuring Uplink Failure Detection
To configure UFD, use the following commands.
1. Create an uplink-state group and enable the tracking of upstream links on the switch/router.
uplink-state-group group-id
group-id: values are from 1 to 16.
To delete an uplink-state group, use the no uplink-state-group group-id command.
2. Assign a port or port-channel to the uplink-state group as an upstream or downstream interface.
{upstream | downstream} interface
For interface, enter one of the following interface types:
10-Gigabit Ethernet: enter tengigabitethernet {slot/port |slot/port-range}
40-Gigabit Ethernet: enter fortyGigE {slot/port |slot/port-range}
Port channel: enter port-channel {1-512 | port-channel-range}
Where port-range and port-channel-range specify a range of ports separated by a dash (-) and/or individual ports/port
channels in any order; for example:
upstream tengigabitethernet 1/1-2,5,9,11-12
downstream port-channel 1-3,5
A comma is required to separate each port and port-range entry.
To delete an interface from the group, use the no {upstream | downstream} interface command.
3. Configure the number of downstream links in the uplink-state group that will be disabled (Oper Down state) if one upstream link in the
group goes down.
downstream disable links {number | all}
number: specifies the number of downstream links to be brought down. The range is from 1 to 1024.
all: brings down all downstream links in the group.
The default is no downstream links are disabled when an upstream link goes down.
Downstream interfaces in an uplink-state group are put into a Link-Down state with an UFD-Disabled error
message only when all upstream interfaces in the group go down.
To revert to the default setting, use the no downstream disable links command.
4. (Optional) Enable auto-recovery so that UFD-disabled downstream ports in the uplink-state group come up when a disabled upstream
port in the group comes back up.
downstream auto-recover
The default is auto-recovery of UFD-disabled downstream ports is enabled.
To disable auto-recovery, use the no downstream auto-recover command.
5. (Optional) Enters a text description of the uplink-state group.
description text
Uplink Failure Detection (UFD)