Users Guide

User: admin
Last login time: 12:52:01 UTC Tue Mar 22 2016
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 0
Successful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 1
Example of the show login statistics all command
The show login statistics all command displays the successful and failed login details of all users in the last 30 days or
the custom defined time period.
Dell#show login statistics all
User: admin
Last login time: 08:54:28 UTC Wed Mar 23 2016
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 3
Successful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 4
User: admin1
Last login time: 12:49:19 UTC Tue Mar 22 2016
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 3
Successful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 2
User: admin2
Last login time: 12:49:27 UTC Tue Mar 22 2016
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 3
Successful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 2
User: admin3
Last login time: 13:18:42 UTC Tue Mar 22 2016
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 3
Successful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 2
Example of the show login statistics user user-id command
The show login statistics user user-id command displays the successful and failed login details of a specific user in
the last 30 days or the custom defined time period.
Dell# show login statistics user admin
User: admin
Last login time: 12:52:01 UTC Tue Mar 22 2016
Last login location: Line vty0 ( )
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) since the last successful login: 0
Unsuccessful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 0
Successful login attempt(s) in last 30 day(s): 1
The following is sample output of the show login statistics unsuccessful-attempts command.
Dell# show login statistics unsuccessful-attempts
There were 3 unsuccessful login attempt(s) for user admin in last 30 day(s).
Switch Management 62