Users Guide

confidence that the local copy is exactly the same as the published software image. This validation procedure, and the
verify {md5 | sha256} command to support it, can prevent the installation of corrupted or modified images.
The verify {md5 | sha256} command calculates and displays the hash of any file on the specified local flash drive. You can
compare the displayed hash against the appropriate hash published on i-Support. Optionally, the published hash can be
included in the verify {md5 | sha256} command, which will display whether it matches the calculated hash of the indicated file.
To validate a software image:
1. Download Dell Networking OS software image file from the iSupport page to the local (FTP or TFTP) server. The published
hash for that file is displayed next to the software image file on the iSupport page.
2. Go on to the Dell Networking system and copy the software image to the flash drive, using the copy command.
3. Run the verify {md5 | sha256} [ flash://]img-file [hash-value] command. For example, verify sha256 flash://FTOS-
4. Compare the generated hash value to the expected hash value published on the iSupport page.
To validate the software image on the flash drive after the image has been transferred to the system, but before the image has
been installed, use the verify {md5 | sha256} [ flash://]img-file [hash-value] command in EXEC mode.
md5: MD5 message-digest algorithm
sha256: SHA256 Secure Hash Algorithm
flash: (Optional) Specifies the flash drive. The default is to use the flash drive. You can just enter the image file name.
hash-value: (Optional). Specify the relevant hash published on i-Support.
img-file: Enter the name of the Dell Networking software image file to validate
Examples: Without Entering the Hash Value for Verification
Dell# verify md5 flash://FTOS-SE-
MD5 hash for FTOS-SE- 275ceb73a4f3118e1d6bcf7d75753459
Dell# verify sha256 flash://FTOS-SE-
SHA256 hash for FTOS-SE-
Examples: Entering the Hash Value for Verification
Dell# verify md5 flash://FTOS-SE- 275ceb73a4f3118e1d6bcf7d75753459
Dell# verify sha256 flash://FTOS-SE-
Verifying System Images on C9010 Components
Each C9010 RPM contains three components: Control Processor (CP), Route Processor (RP), and line-card processor (LP).
Each RPM component has a separate system image stored in the A: and B: flash partitions. In addition, each installed C9010
line card has a separate image stored in partitions A: and B:.
To display the system images currently stored for all C9010 components, enter the show boot system all command. In
the command output:
Switch Management 78