Users Guide

The following example shows copying configuration files from a UNIX machine using the OID.
>snmpset -c public -v 2c . i 3
. i 2
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6027. = INTEGER: 3
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6027. = INTEGER: 2
Copying the Startup-Config Files to the Server via FTP
To copy the startup-config to the server via FTP from the UNIX machine, use the following command.
Copy the startup-config to the server via FTP from the UNIX machine.
snmpset -v 2c -c public -m ./f10-copy-config.mib force10system-ip-address
copySrcFileType.index i 2 copyDestFileName.index s filepath/filename
copyDestFileLocation.index i 4 copyServerAddress.index a server-ip-address copyUserName.index
s server-login-id copyUserPassword.index s server-login-password
precede server-ip-address by the keyword a.
precede the values for copyUsername and copyUserPassword by the keyword s.
Example of Copying Configuration Files via FTP From a UNIX Machine
> snmpset -v 2c -c private -m ./f10-copy-config.mib copySrcFileType.110 i 2
copyDestFileName.110 s /home/startup-config copyDestFileLocation.110 i 4 copyServerAddress.110
a copyUserName.110 s mylogin copyUserPassword.110 s mypass
FTOS-COPY-CONFIG-MIB::copySrcFileType.110 = INTEGER: runningConfig(2)
FTOS-COPY-CONFIG-MIB::copyDestFileName.110 = STRING: /home/startup-config
FTOS-COPY-CONFIG-MIB::copyDestFileLocation.110 = INTEGER: ftp(4)
FTOS-COPY-CONFIG-MIB::copyServerAddress.110 = IpAddress:
FTOS-COPY-CONFIG-MIB::copyUserName.110 = STRING: mylogin
FTOS-COPY-CONFIG-MIB::copyUserPassword.110 = STRING: mypass
Copying the Startup-Config Files to the Server via TFTP
To copy the startup-config to the server via TFTP from the UNIX machine, use the following command.
: Verify that the file exists and its permissions are set to 777. Specify the relative path to the TFTP root directory.
Copy the startup-config to the server via TFTP from the UNIX machine.
snmpset -v 2c -c public -m ./f10-copy-config.mib force10system-ip-address
copySrcFileType.index i 3 copyDestFileType.index i 1 copyDestFileName.index s filepath/
filename copyDestFileLocation.index i 3 copyServerAddress.index a server-ip-address
Example of Copying Configuration Files via TFTP From a UNIX Machine
.snmpset -v 2c -c private -m ./f10-copy-config.mib
copySrcFileType.4 i 3
copyDestFileType.4 i 1
copyDestFileLocation.4 i 3
copyDestFileName.4 s /home/myfilename
copyServerAddress.4 a
Copy a Binary File to the Startup-Configuration
To copy a binary file from the server to the startup-configuration on the Dell Networking system via FTP, use the following
Copy a binary file from the server to the startup-configuration on the Dell Networking system via FTP.
snmpset -v 2c -c public -m ./f10-copy-config.mib force10system-ip-address
copySrcFileType.index i 1 copySrcFileLocation.index i 4 copySrcFileName.index s filepath/
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 890