Administrator Guide

Version Description Introduced on the S-Series. Introduced on the C-Series.
E-Series Original command
Usage Information After entering the banner login command, type one or more spaces and a delineator character. Enter the banner
text then the second delineator character. When the user is connected to the router, if a message of the day
banner is configured, it displays first. If no message of the day banner is configured, the login banner and prompt
appear. After the user has logged in, the EXEC banner (if configured) displays.
banner exec — enables the display of a text string when you enter EXEC mode.
banner login — sets a banner to display after successful login to the system.
Allocate content addressable memory (CAM) for IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs.
C9000 Series
cam-acl {default | l2acl number{ ipv4acl number ipv6acl number ipv4qos number
l2qos number l2pt number ipmacacl number vman-qos | vman-dual-qos number
ecfmacl number [ openflow number fcoeacl number | fedgovacl number|
nlbclusteracl number | ipv4pbr number | iscsioptaclnumber | openflow number |
vrfv4ac numberl ]}}
default Use the default CAM profile settings and set the CAM as follows:
L3 ACL (ipv4acl): 4
L2 ACL(l2acl): 5
IPv6 L3 ACL (ipv6acl): 0
L3 QoS (ipv4qos): 2
L2 QoS (l2qos): 1
OpenFlow: 0 (disabled)
FCoE (fcoeacl): 0 (disabled)
iSCSI Optimization (iscsioptacl): 0 (disabled)
L2 PT : 0
Vman QoS : 0
IPv4 PBR : 0
VRFv4 ACL : 0
FedGov ACL : 0
NLB Cluster ACL : 0
Allocate space to each CAM region.
Enter the CAM profile name then the amount for CAM space allocation. The total space
allocated must be equal to 12. The IPv6 ACL range must be a factor of 2.
Enter l2acl and the FP block number for L2 ACL. The FP block number range is from 1
to 8.
4: Creates 242 entries for use by the OpenFlow controller (256 total entries minus the
14 entries reserved for internal functionality)
8: Creates 498 entries for use by the OpenFlow controller (512 total entries minus the
14 entries reserved for internal functionality)
64 Control and Monitoring