Administrator Guide

The tm-tp for Index 6 is : -1 | -1
The tm-tp for Index 7 is : -1 | -1
The tm-tp for Index 8 is : -1 | -1
The tm-tp for Index 9 is : -1 | -1
The tm-tp for Index 10 is : -1 | -1
The tm-tp for Index 11 is : -1 | -1
ModPort Table for Device - 0
For Destination Mod Id 0 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 1 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 2 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 3 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 4 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 5 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 6 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 7 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 9 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 10 Destination Port is 50
For Destination Mod Id 11 Destination Port is 50
!------------------ output truncated ---------------!
(Linecard: Total-
Dell(conf)#show hardware linecard 2 buffer total-buffer
------ Buffer Details for linecard 2 ------
Total Buffers allocated per linecard 61440
(Linecard Unit
Port: Buffer-
Dell(conf)#show hardware linecard 2 buffer unit 0 port 12 buffer-info
----- Buffer Stats for Unit 0 Port 13 -----
Maximum Shared Limit for the Port: 44537
Default Packet Buffer allocate for the Port: 150
Used Packet Buffer for the Port: 0
Dell(conf)#show hardware linecard 0 buffer unit 0 port 1 queue 1 buffer-
----- Buffer Stats for Unit 0 Port 1 Queue 1 -----
Maximum Shared Limit: 27371
Default Packet Buffer allocate for the Queue: 8
Used Packet Buffer: 0
Backplane Links)
Dell#show hardware linecard 0 bp-link-map
Back Plane HG Links
LinkId 0 1 2 3 4 5 22
NpuId/PortId 0/56 0/57 1/56 1/57 2/56 2/57 0/58
LinkId 24 25 26 27 44 45 46
NpuId/PortId 1/58 1/59 2/58 2/59 0/60 0/61 1/60
LinkId 48 49 66 67 68 69 70
NpuId/PortId 2/60 2/61 0/50 0/51 1/50 1/51 2/50
LinkId 88 89 90 91 92 93 110
NpuId/PortId 0/52 0/53 1/52 1/53 2/52 2/53 0/54
Debugging and Diagnostics