Administrator Guide

Field Description
the status of auto booting the RPM (the redundancy disable-auto-
reboot command)
the parameter for auto failover limit control (the redundancy auto-
failover-limit command)
RPM Failover
Displays the following information:
RPM failover counter (to reset the counter, use the redundancy reset-
counter command)
the time and date of the last RPM failover
the reason for the last RPM failover
Last Data Sync
Displays the data sync information and the timestamp for the data sync:
Start-up Config is the contents of the startup-config file.
Line Card Config is the line card types configured and interfaces on those line
Runtime Event Log is the contents of the Event log.
Running Config is the current running-config.
This field only appears when you enter the command from the Primary RPM.
Dell# show redundancy
-- RPM Status --
RPM Slot ID: 1
RPM Redundancy Role: Primary
RPM State: Active
RPM SW Version:
Link to Peer: Up
-- PEER RPM Status --
RPM State: Standby
RPM SW Version:
-- RPM Redundancy Configuration --
Primary RPM: rpm0
Auto Data Sync: Full
Failover Type: Hot Failover
Auto reboot RPM: Enabled
Auto failover limit: 3 times in 60 minutes
-- RPM Failover Record --
Failover Count: 1
Last failover timestamp: Jul 13 2007 21:25:32
Last failover Reason: User request
-- Last Data Block Sync Record: --
Line Card Config: succeeded Jul 13 2007 21:28:53
Start-up Config: succeeded Jul 13 2007 21:28:53
SFM Config State: succeeded Jul 13 2007 21:28:53
Runtime Event Log: succeeded Jul 13 2007 21:28:53
Running Config: succeeded Jul 13 2007 21:28:53
Example: show
redundancy pe
Dell#show redundancy pe 0
-- pe Status --
704 High Availability (HA)