Administrator Guide

RPM CPLD -- 33
RPM extended CPLD -- 32
SW Version -- 1-0(0-4854)
Available free memory: 1,357,742,080 bytes
biosVerGetTest .............................................. PASS
boardRevisionTest ........................................... PASS
Starting test: cpldAccessTest ......CPLD Major Ver 3 Minor Ver 3
cpldAccessTest .............................................. PASS
Starting test: cpuGELinkStatusTest ......
+ GbE1 Link Status UP
+ GbE2 Link Status DOWN
+ GbE3 Link Status UP
cpuGELinkStatusTest ......................................... FAIL
cpuRevisionTest ............................................. PASS
cpuSdramPresenceTest ........................................ PASS
cpuSdramSizeTest ............................................ PASS
eepromTest .................................................. PASS
Starting test: extendedCPLDAccessTest ......extended CPLD Major Ver 2 Minor Ver 3
extendedCPLDAccessTest ...................................... PASS
fanAirFlowDirection ......................................... PASS
fanPresenceTest ............................................. PASS
fpgaAccessTest .............................................. PASS
Starting test: i2cTest ......
ERROR: ioctl: "psu0" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=7 address=0x70 offset=0xd7 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "psu1" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=8 address=0x71 offset=0xd7 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "psu2" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=9 address=0x72 offset=0xd7 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm0" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=17 address=0x42 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm2" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=19 address=0x44 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm3" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=20 address=0x45 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm6" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=23 address=0x48 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm7" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=24 address=0x49 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm8" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=25 address=0x4a offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "lm9" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=26 address=0x4b offset=0 length=1
i2cTest ..................................................... FAIL
interruptStatusTest ......................................... PASS
Starting test: lmPresenceTest ......LM Slot0 Not Present
LM Slot1 Present
LM Slot2 Not Present
LM Slot3 Not Present
LM Slot4 Present
LM Slot5 Present
LM Slot6 Not Present
LM Slot7 Not Present
LM Slot8 Not Present
LM Slot9 Not Present
Peer RPM Not Present
lmPresenceTest .............................................. PASS
Starting test: masterSlaveTest ......RPM is Master
masterSlaveTest ............................................. PASS
Starting test: mgmtLinkStatusTest ......
+ GbE0 Link Status UP
mgmtLinkStatusTest .......................................... PASS
mgmtPhyAccessTest ........................................... PASS
Starting test: pcieScanTest ......
21 PCI devices installed out of 21
pcieScanTest ................................................ PASS
Starting test: psuCurrentTest ......
PSU[0] Current Test FAIL
PSU[1] Current Test FAIL
PSU[2] Current Test FAIL
psuCurrentTest .............................................. FAIL
Starting test: psuFanAirFlowDirectionTest ......
PSU[0] Fan Air Flow Test FAIL
PSU[1] Fan Air Flow Test FAIL
PSU[2] Fan Air Flow Test FAIL
psuFanAirFlowDirectionTest .................................. FAIL
Starting test: psuFanSpeedTest ......
Debugging and Diagnostics