Administrator Guide

Link-local Addresses
Link-local addresses, starting with fe80:, are assigned only in the local link area.
The addresses are generated usually automatically by the operating system's IP layer for each network interface. This provides
instant automatic network connectivity for any IPv6 host and means that if several hosts connect to a common hub or switch,
they have an instant communication path via their link-local IPv6 address.
Link-local addresses cannot be routed to the public Internet.
Static and Dynamic Addressing
Static IPv6 addresses are manually assigned to a computer by an administrator.
Dynamic IPv6 addresses are assigned either randomly or by a server using dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP). Even
though IPv6 addresses assigned using DHCP may stay the same for long periods of time, they can change. In some cases, a
network administrator may implement dynamically assigned static IPv6 addresses. In this case, a DHCP server is used, but it is
specifically configured to always assign the same IPv6 address to a particular computer, and never to assign that IP address to
another computer. This allows static IPv6 addresses to be configured in one place, without having to specifically configure each
computer on the network in a different way.
In IPv6, every interface, whether using static or dynamic address assignments, also receives a local-link address automatically in
the fe80::/64 subnet.
IPv6 Implementation on the Dell Networking OS
The Dell Networking OS supports both IPv4 and IPv6 and both versions may be used simultaneously in your system.
The following table lists the Dell Networking OS version in which an IPv6 feature became available for each platform. The
sections following the table give greater detail about the feature.
Table 41. Dell Networking OS versions and platforms with IPv6 support
Feature and Functionality Dell Networking OS Release
Documentation and Chapter Location
Basic IPv6 Commands 8.3.11 IPv6 Basic Commands in the Dell
Networking OS Command Line Reference
IPv6 Basic Addressing
IPv6 address types: Unicast 8.3.11 Extended Address Space
IPv6 neighbor discovery 8.3.11 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration 8.3.11 Stateless Autoconfiguration
IPv6 MTU path discovery 8.3.11 Path MTU Discovery
IPv6 ICMPv6 8.3.11 ICMPv6
IPv6 ping 8.3.11 ICMPv6
IPv6 traceroute 8.3.11 ICMPv6
IPv6 SNMP 8.3.11
IPv6 Routing
Static routing 8.3.11 Assigning a Static IPv6 Route
Route redistribution 8.3.11 OSPF, IS-IS, and IPv6 BGP chapters in
the Dell Networking OS Command Line
Reference Guide.
Multiprotocol BGP extensions for IPv6 8.3.11 IPv6 BGP in the Dell Networking OS
Command Line Reference Guide.
472 IPv6 Routing