Administrator Guide

Dec 4 22:38:27 : 88 cc 02 07 04 00 a0 c9 00 00 01 04 02 05 54 06
Dec 4 22:38:27 : 02 01 2c fe 05 aa bb cc 04 61 fa 01 40 00 00 00
Dec 4 22:38:28 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c6 0f ba 27
Dec 4 22:38:28 : TLV: Chassis ID, Len: 7, Subtype: Mac address (4) Value:
Dec 4 22:38:29 : TLV: Port ID, Len: 2, Subtype: Interface name (5) Value: T
Dec 4 22:38:29 : TLV: TTL, Len: 2, Value: 300
Dec 4 22:38:29 : TLV: UNKNOWN TLV, ORG_SPEC[aa-bb-cc, 4], Len: 1, Value:a
Dec 4 22:38:29 : aa bb cc 04 61
Dec 4 22:38:29 : 40
Dec 4 22:38:29 : TLV: UNKNOWN TLV, Type: 125 Len: 1, Value: @
Dec 4 22:38:29 : TLV: ENDOFPDU, Len: 0
Relevant Management Objects
The system supports all IEEE 802.1AB MIB objects.
The following tables list the objects associated with:
received and transmitted TLVs
the LLDP configuration on the local agent
IEEE 802.1AB Organizationally Specific TLVs
received and transmitted LLDP-MED TLVs
Table 55. LLDP Configuration MIB Objects
MIB Object
LLDP Variable LLDP MIB Object Description
adminStatus lldpPortConfigAdminStatus Whether you enable the local
LLDP agent for transmit, receive,
or both.
msgTxHold lldpMessageTxHoldMultiplier Multiplier value.
msgTxInterval lldpMessageTxInterval Transmit Interval value.
rxInfoTTL lldpRxInfoTTL Time to live for received TLVs.
txInfoTTL lldpTxInfoTTL Time to live for transmitted TLVs.
Basic TLV
mibBasicTLVsTxEnable lldpPortConfigTLVsTxEnable Indicates which management
TLVs are enabled for system
mibMgmtAddrInstanceTxEnable lldpManAddrPortsTxEnable The management addresses
defined for the system and the
ports through which they are
enabled for transmission.
LLDP Statistics statsAgeoutsTotal lldpStatsRxPortAgeoutsTotal Total number of times that a
neighbors information is deleted
on the local system due to an
rxInfoTTL timer expiration.
statsFramesDiscardedTotal lldpStatsRxPortFramesDiscardedT
Total number of LLDP frames
received then discarded.
statsFramesInErrorsTotal lldpStatsRxPortFramesErrors Total number of LLDP frames
received on a port with errors.
statsFramesInTotal lldpStatsRxPortFramesTotal Total number of LLDP frames
received through the port.
statsFramesOutTotal lldpStatsTxPortFramesTotal Total number of LLDP frames
transmitted through the port.
statsTLVsDiscardedTotal lldpStatsRxPortTLVsDiscardedTot
Total number of TLVs received
then discarded.
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) 561